
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a safe and effective manual therapy that promotes the health of the patient. It works on the principle that the body functions optimally as a unit, and often when something interrupts the body’s ability to function well such as a muscle strain, torn ligament, or a systemic disease, this interrupts the body’s health. Injuries and illness can often follow. Osteopathy is based on holism, namely that the body and the mind are interconnected, and we take into account the stressors that can aggravate a patient’s pain.

Osteopaths are highly trained Allied Health Professionals and experts in the musculoskeletal system, namely joints, muscles and other associated tissues in the body.

Osteopathic treatment is tailored and personalised to the individual. Osteopaths use a wide range of gentle hands-on techniques that aim to remove tension from the body, increase movement and improve general function.

Osteopaths can give advice on posture and exercise and look to get to the root of the cause that often is responsible for causing patients to be in pain.

Osteopaths treat a wide range of complaints:

Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Hip pain
Knee pain
Foot and ankle pain
Joint pain
Pain related to postural changes in pregnancy
Post pregnancy issues
A wide range of presentations in children

Paediatric Osteopathy

Alexandra treats children from birth right through to young adulthood. She studied for two years at The Osteopathic Centre for Children for her postgraduate diploma.

Paediatric osteopathy is an incredibly gentle, safe and effective treatment for new-born babies and children. It uses specific light pressure myofascial release, articulations, visceral osteopathic techniques as well as cranial techniques to release stresses and strains and encourage the holistic restoration of health and balance to the body.

Birth can be a traumatic process for a baby, and often there can be problems related to birth that can influence a baby’s ability to be comfortable or feed effectively. This is often the case with a medically assisted birth requiring ventouse or forceps.

Osteopathic treatment for babies looks for the restrictions within the body and using very gentle and effective techniques, aims to release them.

Osteopathic treatment can help address a broad spectrum of presentations in children, aiming to help relieve symptoms in such complaints as:

Problems breast and bottle feeding
Plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome)
Digestive issues and constipation
Sleep problems
Behavioural difficulties
Respiratory issues such as asthma
Treatment to support orthodontic work